ChromeOS 133 features teased ahead of update

Table of Contents

Bounce Keys settings

Super Resolution for Bluetooth mics

Screencast additional language support

Additions to the ChromeOS welcome tour

ChromeOS 133 is set to be available soon, but the team has already published notes for the upcoming operating system that runs on popular Chromebook netbooks. The ChromeUnboxed team suggests that the notes coincide with a Tuesday rollout for the next system update; however, the software has not yet landed.

Each ChromeOS drop includes its own unique features and fixes. By the time ChromeOS 133 arrives, users will get a detailed look at each previewed feature and more; however, the notes are a sneak peek at what can be expected from the update. The team highlighted some of the new aspects coming to the system.

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ChromeOS 133 includes a new accessibility feature called Bounce Keys, which is intended to assist users with limited dexterity or tremors to navigate a keyboard. When enabled, Bounce Keys will ignore repeated keystrokes pressed in succession, making for a smoother typing experience with fewer unintended characters pressed. The feature allows for the time delay to be adjusted, from a short key to long key.

The update brings a toggle to the audio settings page that will enable a feature called “Bluetooth Super Resolution.” This feature will allow you to improve the audio quality of Bluetooth-connected microphone devices, by upscaling low-res audio sound quality to hi-res. ChromeUnboxed noted this feature will have to be tested in real-time to see how well it works.

Screencast is an interesting feature in ChromeOS that allows you to record your screen and use your front camera for creating presentations, which you can live stream the cloud-based platform on Chromebooks. In addition to various built-in transcription tools for replays, the coming ChromeOS 133 update will add support for over 50 languages. You can access Screencast through the Launcher icon on a Chromebook and then search for Screencast.

The new ChromeOS includes an updated, interactive, Welcome Tour that launches right after device setup, giving users a rundown of the basics of Chromebook and what they need to know to use their new device optimally.

Luckily, with the notes available, it should be only a matter of time before ChromeOS 133 drops. With the update being a monthly series, it won’t be long before we’re expecting notes for the next ChromeOS sequence.

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